FICTIONING BUREAU is an exercise in global deconstruction, label abolition, unlearning and liberation from the structures of the current system of reality.
The project is about investigating and imagining alternative scenarios for our world, exploring new theoretical, artistic approaches and exploring the way for the emergence of a second nature, a second movement that includes new life in the material world, new bodies, new people.
We start from the assumption that the concept of the world is merely an artifice of the human imagination, a construction that serves humans to simplify the surrounding’s complexity and shape a narrative useful for orienting ourselves within it. Each species constructs its world in a unique way, with its own cosmological narrative destined to decay over time, to dissolve slowly until it encounters an apocalypse, a fundamental change in the narrative structure of the world. Every day we experience a dominant cosmology of rigid identities, automations, accelerations, expansions, reifications, liberalizations.
This exercise will focus on a deterritorialization of our habitual identifications and the nature of the narratives we construct as members of society, reflecting on the consequences that can result from uncritically accepting the predominant cosmological narrative.
We are private investigators, archaeologists of ancient and modern past systems, pilgrims traveling to significant places of worship to atone for mistakes made or simply fulfill imaginary vows.
Through a series of performative and fictional gestures we will try to reverse the perspective on the present to imagine possible new scenarios. We will collect small relics, dust from the floors of places visited, badges and symbols useful in ascertaining and reconstructing events that, however absurd, atopic, and polysemic, we suspect may or may not have universally occurred.